Tips to Stay Healthy through the 2016 Crossfit Games

It’s time for the 2016 Crossfit Open!

Don’t let an injury early in the 16’s take you out of the games!  

Here are a few tips to keep you performing at your peak:

-Make time for recovery!  Set aside some time every day/evening to spend on your body.  It could be 10 minutes on a foam roller, laying on a lacrosse ball, or some dynamic mobility work before you hit the couch.  This will pay off as your body’s demands increase.

-Make sure you are warm!  One of the easiest ways to injure yourself is by jumping into a workout cold.  Stay away from the long static stretching and instead focus on a dynamic warm up with movements imitating the workout (Thrusters = air squats, lunges, wall angels, yoga push ups).  Get into the gym a few minutes earlier to spend some time working with PVC or bands to maximize your preparation.

-Increase your preventative routines! Whether you prefer massage, acupuncture, chiropractic, yoga, etc. this is the time you want to use it more.  You work hard breaking your body down on Fridays and Saturdays with the WODs, so you should be working just as hard to build it back up during the week to hit the next one.  

-Fuel your body! This is not the time to slack off on your dietary habits.  Eat to perform and eat to recover.  Plan your meals to give you the most energy before a workout and refuel your muscles after to ensure the quickest recovery.  Keep the hydration up with water, sports drinks should be saved for after a workout, not before.

-SLEEP! The most tissue repair and remodeling takes place while you are sleeping. Your body catches up on repairs and builds new tissues.  Without enough sleep your recovery and performance will be hindered.


Take a few minutes to figure out how you can incorporate these tips into your routine to get the best results through all of your workouts, not burning out after 16.1 or 16.2.

As always I am here to help, if you have any questions about mobility, stretches, or recommendations, don’t hesitate to stop in and ask! My door is always open!